Fargo, ND held its first Planetary Qualifier for Star Wars Unlimited on January 4th, 2024 at Paradox Comics n Cards. The Jodo Cast was on hand with Leo and Evan playing in the event and Joe and Kurt live streaming matches all day long. Check out the recording of the event below!
Deck Breakdowns
47 players attended the PQ and we have the Top 4 deck lists, but first, let’s look at a breakdown of what was played across the board. As you can see, Sabine was the clear favorite, with Jango close behind. Those two and Anakin accounted for nearly a third of the decks at this PQ. For anyone curious, Leo was the lone Rey player (he took 14th) and Evan was the Iden deck.
At the end of six rounds of Swiss, the Top 8 consisted of Bossk/Green, Bossk/Blue, Anakin/Blue, Quinlan/Tarkintown x 2, Jango/Tarkintown x 2, and Sabine/ECL. Overall, this feels much more healthy than what we saw at the previous PQ we attended. Sabine and Boba easily made of 50% of the participants and I believe the Top 4 ended up all being Boba variants. Speak of the Top 4, below we have compiled the decks for the Top 4 at this event:

Stay tuned for Episode 178 of The Jodo Cast to hear an in depth interview with Ryan about his winning deck!

Final standings can be viewed on the event’s Melee.gg page.