To celebrate… Celebration we’re going to be giving stuff away both to people at the convention, and those of you who won’t be there in person!
There are a couple ways you can get in on this giveaway.
The first way you can get free stuff from us, and the more fun way: find us at celebration! If you spot my wife or I (We’ll be wearing Jodo Cast shirts pictured below) come say hi!
If you come say hi to us at Celebration you can have some free swag from my bag.
I will have a number of different alternate art cards and promo bits and tokens for the various Fantasy Flight Star Wars games (X-Wing, Armada, Imperial Assault, Star Wars The Card Game).
So if you play any of those games (or just want free stuff) I’ll have something special for you!
It shouldn’t be hard to find us, right?
All you have to do is find us and say hi.
Probably mention this page or something so I know you want goodies and aren’t just super friendly.
Good luck and hope to see you there!
Won’t be at Celebration? No problem!
Not to fear! If you can’t make it to Celebration this year (or just can’t find us at the convention), which I assume is most of you reading this, there’s still a way you can win something because we’re just that nice.
If you still want some awesome FFG promo stuff but can’t be bothered to find us on the show floor at Celebration here’s what you’ve got to do:
Send us a tweet that contains a picture of one (or more) of your favorite Star Wars tabletop games in action using the hashtag #JodoCelebration2016. Also be sure you’re following us @TheJodoCast.
If you’re not on Twitter (you should be just so you can follow us), leave us a review on iTunes and email us a screenshot of your review to
Also let us know what your favorite Star Wars tabletop games are in your email. Be sure the subject line of your email is “CELEBRATION.” Otherwise I guarantee we won’t be able to find it in our spammed up inbox…
That’s all there is to it.
Up for grabs we’ve got lots of neat promo tokens and alternate art cards for X-Wing, Imperial Assault, Armada, and Star Wars The Card Game!
Hopefully you can say hi at Celebration or send us some cool pictures on Twitter!
We’ll pick winners sometime after Celebration. I’ll be jet lagged and then have to start packing up for a cross country move, so if we don’t get prizes sent out immediately don’t freak out.
Also I reserve the right to limit the winners to U.S. only if shipping costs turn out to be prohibitive, though it’s usually not a big deal. Just covering my bases just in case.
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