The Jodo Cast

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The Jodo Cast

Jodo Cast Episode 1: First Catch

And now… the moment you’ve all been waiting for…

It’s time for the premier episode of The Jodo Cast! Two of the most recent hosts from Mos Eisley Radio have made the move to a new site with a new show! Let’s be honest, though, it’s the same show as the last one, but apparently that’s what people love!

Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 1: First Catch”

A New Dawn for the EU

Lucasfilm and Del Ray have just announced the first novel that will be published as part of the new Star Wars canon. Star Wars: A New Dawn will be set just before A New Hope and feature Star Wars: Rebels characters Kanan and Hera. According to author John Jackson Miller, …

First clip of Star Wars: Rebels

The folks from Rebels debuted a clip at Wondercon 2014 and here it is:

Anyone else not impressed? Hera’s facial expressions are really strangely animated and Chopper seems like he’ll be really annoying. Well, I’ve got my figures crossed that this will be better than it looks from this clip.

And what was the deal with the sound those lasers made?