The Jodo Cast

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The Jodo Cast

Jodo Cast Flashback! Ossus Academy 2

Welcome to another special presentation of The Jodo Cast!

We’re happy to continue bringing you the long-since-over-but-never-quite-forgotten series The Ossus Academy, in which Leo and Evan nerd-out over the lore of Star Wars, particularly in relation to The Old Republic. Tonight’s lesson: Rakghouls and you!

Check it out“Jodo Cast Flashback! Ossus Academy 2”

Jodo Cast Episode 6: Best Served Cold

It took ENTIRELY TOO LONG, but better late than never right? The boys are back with more Star Wars talk and while this was recorded before the new trailer hit, there’s still plenty to talk about. You can thank holidays, vacations, and jobs for your wait.

Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 6: Best Served Cold”