The Jodo Cast

Your Home for Star Wars Gaming
The Jodo Cast

Jodo Commentaries: Episode V

Welcome to a Jodo Cast special edition!

We hit some technical snags, but we’ve managed to finally bring you the fifth installment of the commentaries series! Of course, that means tonight you get to hear our thoughts on Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back!
Check it out“Jodo Commentaries: Episode V”

Jodo Cast Episode 21: Fallen Empire Review

Evan and Leo return to the figurative recording booth to bring you their thoughts on the latest addition to Star Wars: The Old Republic, Knights of the Fallen Empire. They are joined by a friend and special guest, Seth “White Fox!”
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 21: Fallen Empire Review”

Jodo Cast Flashback! Ossus Academy 5

Welcome back to another special presentation of the Jodo Cast!

In this look back, Leo and Evan took a break from talking about individual lore subjects to go back even further to ponder the older Star Wars video games and their contributions to the Legends lore, for better or for worse. Please enjoy Ossus Academy, Session 5: Gaming Lore, A History!
Check it out“Jodo Cast Flashback! Ossus Academy 5”