The Jodo Cast

Your Home for Star Wars Gaming
The Jodo Cast

Jodo Cast Special: FFG World Championships, Part 3

In our last FFG Worlds 2016 episode, we’ve broken it up to cover more ground, with Evan and Leo giving their thoughts on their competitions, and then Joe, Kurt, and Jake tackle what went down with Imperial Assault at Worlds! *Mild language due to light editing*
Check it out“Jodo Cast Special: FFG World Championships, Part 3”

Jodo Cast Special: FFG World Championships, Part 2

We’re kinda live again! The guys are back with another awesome guest: Jay from the Knights of Ren podcast, experts when it comes to Star Wars Destiny! Plus, we talk about… Warhammer? *Mild language due to light editing*
Check it out“Jodo Cast Special: FFG World Championships, Part 2”

Jodo Cast Special: FFG World Championships, Part 1

We are live! Kinda. We’re actually all recording together in the same place for the first time, and we have MER alumnus Alan with us, also, to enjoy and discuss FFG Worlds and Star Wars Destiny! *Mild language due to light editing*
Check it out“Jodo Cast Special: FFG World Championships, Part 1”