The Jodo Cast

Your Home for Star Wars Gaming
The Jodo Cast

Jodo Cast Episode 125: Knights of the (Blank) Republic

Rumors have always circulated regarding the future of the Knights of the Old Republic franchise, but lately, they’ve started to pick up more momentum with other studios now being able to develop and publish Star Wars games. Could a remake, sequel, or reboot for KOTOR be on the way?

Reminder: Patrons can interact with us as we record live on Discord and can view the unedited session within 24 hours at our Patreon page!

Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 125: Knights of the (Blank) Republic”

Jodo Cast Episode 124: The Best (and Worst) of 2020

The end of January brings our look back at the hits and flops of the year that was 2020. Things can only get better from here on, folks! We’d love to hear more of your Star Wars gaming predictions and resolutions for the coming year!

Reminder: Patrons can interact with us as we record live on Discord and can view the unedited session within 24 hours at our Patreon page!

Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 124: The Best (and Worst) of 2020”

Clumsy & Random 11: Poodoo Smugglers

The clumsy is clumsier and the random is randomer when Sunny Ravencourt joins the crew for shenanigans using the FFG Star Wars RPG system!

Be sure to catch more of Sunny Ravencourt as he holds class at the University of Coruscant!

Check it out“Clumsy & Random 11: Poodoo Smugglers”