Ok punch it!
Star Wars the Card Game
First up we’ve got an announcement for the third Force Pack in the Opposition cycle for the Star Wars Card Game.
Above is a look at two of the new cards coming in this pack. As someone who’s just bought into the Card Game, I finally understand what’s going on in these previews!
Also the Force Pack Press the Attack is now available.
Age of Rebellion
A new sourcebook for soldiers, Forged in Battle, has been announced for Age of Rebellion.
This sourcebook adds three new species, and three new soldier specializations: the Heavy, the Trailblazer, and the Vanguard.
We now have a preview for the other new flotilla pack coming in the third wave of Armada expansions.
The Endor Open tournament in Poland is over, and FFG has done a tournament summary article. The Jakku Open tournament in France has also ended, and also has a summary article.
Imperial Assault
Ok brace yourselves. We’ve been treated to a lot of Imperial Assault news since the last roundup was posted.
What have we here? A preview for the Lando ally pack is up and it looks awesome.
Lando Looks like he’s going to be a really fun figure to have around.
Next up we got a look at the new mercenary units coming in the Bespin Gambit box, the Wing Guard and Ugnaughts.
We also got a preview for the Agent Blaise villain pack!
And if all of these previews weren’t enough, all of the new expansions are listed as ‘shipping now!‘ That means they’re likely to hit store shelves within the month!
And then out of nowhere they drop this doozy of an announcement on us; Obi Wan, the Grand Inquisitor, and Greedo packs are all on the way for Imperial Assault!
It’s interesting that all three of these characters are dead by the time the core campaign for this game takes place. Does this mean more expansions that take place in the Rebels or Rogue One time period are on the way? Let’s hope so.
Video Games
If you missed it, the Bacta Bomb star card is now up in the Hutt contracts on battlefront to unlock.
Also for Battlefront, the Outer Rim DLC is going to be free to play this weekend. So go check it out.
Big news: Battlefront 2 is announced for “next year” whatever that means. It’s all very vague, but at a new Battlefront game is coming and will feature content from “new movies.” There is so little concrete info about this game right now it’s hardly even worth speculating. Though I do feel they could have put it another year out since the first Battlefront isn’t hardly going to be done with all of its DLC by the time Battlefront 2 comes out.
A user on Reddit created this poll asking what you’d like Battlefront 2 to focus on, though it’s hardly going to have any effect on anything:
Disney Infinity is ending. The Star Wars characters and playsets for this game were, for the most part, pretty awesome. It’s a bit disappointing that Infinity is on the way out.
A video of an allegedly unannounced Star Wars game was posted online, though it’s since been taken down by a copyright claim from EA. Don’t get excited though, it looks like a boring mobile game, or RTS type game. It also looked to be very early in development.
And we’ll leave you off on this fine news day with a StarWars.com article all about everyone’s favorite in-universe game of Dejarik.