Tabletop Games:
The hotly anticipated Star Wars Rebellion has a new preview article up where the developers talk about the game’s emergent narrative.
In the ever expanding world of Imperial Assault there is much rejoicing as the Alliance Smuggler and Bantha Rider figure packs are now available! I picked mine up today.
And now that these figures are out, we have no idea what’s next. Usually FFG’s games have previews for upcoming figures at a pretty constant rate, but we’re in uncharted territory where everything is out and in customer hands before any new preview has been released.
I am so excited to see what comes out next for Imperial Assault.
Video Games:
Apparently someone is recreating KOTOR in Unreal Engine 4. Don’t think EA is happy about it. recently put up a post of the Weirdest Star Wars Games which is a pretty entertaining read. Though they missed one very crucial game that should have been on their list.
Seriously. That game. WHY.
If you’re excited about the new Lego The Force Awakens game coming out, there are some GameInformer articles up on where the game’s plot differs from the plot of Disney Infinity’s take on TFA as well as some behind the scenes stuff on how the levels are built.
If you have a means to play Star Wars Battle Pod, you might be getting a little more variety in missions come May, when the Battle of Takodona will be added to the game.
Capping off our news, is an interesting post from a Reddit. It’s a big album full of character models from Free Radical’s ill-fated, lost-to-time game Battlefront 3.
I’m still a bit bummed that this game died out before it could be finished, but seriously WTF is this “Spoiled Wookie?!?!”