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Jodo Cast Special: GenCon 2016 Day 3

Jodo Cast Special: GenCon 2016 Day 3

Welcome to another special presentation of The Jodo Cast!
In this episode, I’ll be closing out my GenCon 2016 experience. It was another great year, and I hope these episodes encouraged some folks to make time to come next year!

I didn’t manage to get this recorded last night as I passed out very quickly after four long days, but there wasn’t really any time-sensitive information like the last couple. As mentioned in the show, do take time to follow some of the folks I met this year, including:

Vader’s Finest: @vadersfinest501

Andrew T. Harrison: @sghetti79

Bryan Ramsdell: @DarthRamy

Zombie Orpheus Entertainment: @zombieorpheus

Dead Gentlemen Productions: @deadgentlemen

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