Special guest Rachel Moore joins me on the latest episode of Battle Chat where we discuss Star Wars Rebels!
Special guest Rachel Moore joins me on the latest episode of Battle Chat where we discuss Star Wars Rebels!
This time I’ve got my hands on one of the new Skirmish playmats so we decided to put it to the test.
Check it out“Imperial Assault Skirmish Video: One Man’s Trash”
Another episode of Battle Chat is ready for your viewing pleasure. The Death Star DLC is out and this episode is dedicated entirely to trying it out and exploring the new goodies DICE has given us this time around.
Joining me this time round is streamer/YouTuber red5mom.
Over the weekend I hosted a “Bring Your Own Mission” tournament at a local game store. I recorded my match on the mission that I chose for the event, Prison Break from the Chewbacca expansion. I’m still working on making the best videos I can with the materials currently available to me so let me know if you have any criticisms or comments. Check it out“Imperial Assault Skirmish video report: Prison Break”
Hey everybody! I decied to try my hand at recording Imperial Assault games. This is my first attempt. I’ve already gathered some valuable feedback to make the next go even better, but as it stands I’m pleased with how this one came out. Stay tuned for more tabletop videos in the future!
Joe: Hello noodle scooters! This is a guest post from our friend Jake, who was lucky enough to pick up a copy of Twin Shadows and the new expansions while at Gen Con. Jake and I sat down and played through the first mission of the mini-campaign. There are some …
Star Wars Imperial Assault has been out for about 6 months now and I have yet to get through a full campaign. If you’re not familiar with the game, here’s a good review to get you up to speed. Having had trouble getting my group to meet regularly for our …
Chapter Index: Chapter 1 —————— When we last saw our motley band of adventurers, they had just parted ways with Pash, Oskara, and 41-VEX, after escaping the clutches of the Mandalorian Bounty Hunter Taryn Gev. Now in possession of the YT-1300 called the Krayt Fang, the crew needed work. They …