The Force Unleashed Livestream Highlights | Part 1
Joe and Evan did a livestream of The Force Unleashed. Here are some highlights.
Imperial Assault Skirmish: Reconnaissance | Royal Guard Buttface
A new video! With improved editing! Let me know what you think!
News Roundup: 2/11/17
It’s that time of the week again. That time where I try to come up with some sort of funny intro to the news article but end of failing completely.
News Roundup: 2/4/16
Hello what have we here? I see that twinkle in your eye; that desire. The need for Star Wars gaming news. Not to worry. You’re in the right place. You truly belong with us here among the news…
Planning for Victory: Applying Strategic, Operational, and Tactical Planning to Imperial Assault Skirmish
This is a guest post by friend of the Cast, Jake Petersen. On the forums and across our little community of Skirmishers, we see many requests for list critiques and discussions of individual units. What we rarely see, however, is a full-on theoretical discussion of the strategy and tactics inherent …
Star Wars Destiny: Count Jabba vs Finn Dameron
Full Decklists are below the video!
Check it out“Star Wars Destiny: Count Jabba vs Finn Dameron”