X-Wing Miniatures Upsilon-class Shuttle Preview
Joe: Everyone is really excited about this expansion.
Evan: I think most of the excitement is getting Kylo Ren out there. His pilot and crew cards both bring something new to the table. The new preview also showing Hux has got the Kylo/Hux BFF fans in a tizzy.
Joe: I never liked the look of this ship. It just felt like it was trying too hard.
Evan: Ha, I think that’s maybe the most accurate way of putting it.
Joe: This expansion has so many cool new upgrades and the ship itself looks really good and effective, but I can’t get excited about this if I don’t actually have any interest in the ship itself. I’m probably the only one who feels this way.
Evan: It may turn out to sound more impressive than it will actually be, but it’ll definitely sell a lot of units. I rarely play with large ships so I’ll probably pass, too.
Squadrons of Armada Corellian Conflict Preview
Joe: man this looks awesome. If only any of us actually played Armada…
Evan: Well, between the potential to get it for review purposes and Christmas coming up, I’m certainly feeling good about at least getting a core set. It’s those expansions that have me looking away from it. This type of expansion seems more reasonable.
Destiny Preview Event for 11 NOV at FFG Game Center
Joe: Well this is neat. It’s exciting that people like Mark Waid and Timothy Zahn are going to be there as well as the 501st and R2-D2 Builders Club. Too bad I won’t be there and it doesn’t look like they’re streaming it….
Evan: Yeah, I had to express the same thoughts over at reddit. Not that it would’ve made a whole lot of difference, but it does seem odd that they’re doing it the week after everyone’s hotel stays will have ended.
Armada Corellian Conflict league kits
Joe: Again… If only any of us played Armada… This looks like it’s taking the awesomeness of the Corellian Conflict and amping it up with incentives to play it at your local game store and get more people involved.
Evan: Agreed. It’s not as though these things aren’t really cool; we just don’t get to enjoy them to the same degree that actual Armada players will.
Joe: I’m pretty sure one of my local stores has ordered this so I might at least be able to watch people playing in the store now and then…
Imperial Assault Alliance Rangers preview
Joe: These ladies look good. Their point costs are interesting. 9 points for the regular units is the same cost as the elite units of most other troopers.
Evan: Now that I have a better understanding of the game, I have to agree. They look a little OP to me. I don’t have a good sense of value in IA yet, but 12 cost for Elite, three of them, does not seem unreasonable.
Joe: I might have to get two packs of these. They look like they’ll be really fun to sneak around and pick people off from obscene distances.
Destiny Military Might Preview
Joe: Ackbar looks annoying. But a good annoying.
Evan: It is nice to see that the different colors have their own personalities, much like Magic: The Gathering. Initially, they struck me as just a means of differentiation with little else behind it.
Joe: Red decks are going to have a lot of tricks.
Video Games
SWTOR Uprising Overview livestream
Evan: The live stream devs, lead by community manager Musco, had to keep on talking about the Command Crates in the upcoming revamp to endgame gear in the upcoming game update 5.0. Some are decrying the end of times, but I’m going to be fine with it.
Watch live video from on
If you didn’t subscribe to SWTOR by 10/25, you missed Shae Vizla. Still time to subscribe and get the scout walker mount and early access
Evan: October 25th was the subscribe-by date for getting Shae Vizla, aka, Mandalore the Avenger, as a companion for your Alliance. Oh, quick note: Pre Viszla and Shae Vizla spell their last names differently, even if they’re pronounced EXACTLY the same. Shall we take the Korriban/Moriband approach with that change, too?
No apparent news updates for Rogue One: Scariff.
Evan: I’m actually kind of surprised that we have heard pretty much NOTHING since the initial announcement. Think we’ll get much beforehand or will they just not say anything?
Joe: We’ll surely get a launch trailer tease, then the actual trailer, then a smattering of articles detailing the new stuff, and a live-stream event. I expect we won’t see any of that until sometime in December though.