Tabletop Games
The latest Age of Rebellion sourcebook was announced: Forged in Battle – A Sourcebook for Soldiers! Three new specializations are available, and the Trailblazer sounds like it will be a good fit for Han Solo’s pathfinders from Shattered Empire!
Speaking of Poe’s parents, Shara Bey is making her X-Wing miniatures debut alongside Norra Wexley in the preview for the upcoming ARC-170, one of the starfighter mainstays from the Clone Wars!
FFG Organized Play released updates to their tournament regulations for all the competitive Star Wars games. Gotta make sure you’re good before Celebration, GenCon, and FFG Worlds!
Along with rules updates, FFGOP also released the 2016 National Championship prizes! Not that I’ll be seeing any first-hand, but they are always worth gazing upon.
FFG released some game accessory news that was somewhat surprising. Not so surprising: card sleeves featuring art from The Force Awakens!
More surpising: playmats for Imperial Assault! If nothing else, they’ll help to speed up the setup for skirmish games, though, most seem to be let down by the price for each one.
Video Games
In an interesting bit of pre-Celebration news, Battlefront just announced a new offline mode to debut NEXT WEEK! Oh, and the Death Star expansion will release in September (happy birthday to me!).
The Dark vs Light event is in full swing in SWTOR right now. Think of it kind of like seasons in Diablo 3. You’re encouraged to start a whole new character which gets tagged with the DvsL icon in your character select screen. The Dark/Light choices you make through your story actually lead to getting new gear and even getting new companions!
Keep your eyes on Star Wars EA and The Old Republic for more news coming today! Whichever time zone you happen to be in….