First prize was a full free preorder of all of the wave 6 ships.
Second prize was a $50 gift card, and third and fourth prizes were $25 gift cards if I recall correctly.
Fifth through eighth each got a free preorder of the M3A Scyk Interceptor.
Additionally each player chose either Rebels or Imperials (regardless of what they were actually flying) and whichever side did better in the tournament meant that faction’s ships would be at 15% off until the next tournament.
My List
Boba Fett + Lone Wolf + Recon Specialist + Engine Upgrade + Seismic Charges
Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Shield Upgrade
I spent a long time trying to nail down a list that I really wanted to fly. I think I played at least two games of X-Wing a day for at least 5 days in a row trying to figure out a team for the tournament (Someone please hire me…).
I wanted to use Dark Curse because he’s one of my favorites, and I wanted to bring Boba because it seemed appropriate since the prizes were Scum ships.
Since trying all this out I’ve become huge fan of Boba + Lone Wolf + Recon Specialist. Having two focus tokens and the ability to reroll on offense and defense makes Boba (or any firespray) a really tough ship to bring down. You just have to make sure he keeps his distance from his teammates.
The Tournament
Sixteen people showed up for the event, which is a really good turnout for our area. The tournament was going to be three rounds of play and then a cut to top four.
As far as what everyone brought, there seemed to be a lot of list diversity. I think almost every ship was represented in someone’s list. There were a couple Phantom/Decimator lists, a few YT-2400 lists, but really there was just a good mix of everything and lots of creativity was on display when it came to squad building.
Round 1
My first match I got paired with a new player who’d only been in the game for a few months. It’s always exciting when more and more people are getting into the X-Wing scene.
His List:
Vader + Cluster Missiles + Marksmanship
Soontir Fel + Hull Upgrade + Push the Limit
Back Stabber
Winged Gundark
The first half of the match was pretty close with us trading lots of shots and no damage really sticking.
Vader managed to get a tail on Boba, who dropped his bomb and dealt a damage to Vader. After Vader had taken one more damage, Boba got him with three hits at range three and Vader rolled 3 blanks.
I slowly picked off the rest of his ties, leaving only his Soontir vs a damaged Dark Curse, a damaged Boba, and an untouched Fel.
His fel managed to clean up Dark Curse easily. The his Fel killed Boba Fett in the same round I finished him off with my Fel. It was a fun match.
Round 2
This next matchup was very interesting.
His ships:
Darth Vader + Ion Pulse Missiles + Squad Leader
Soontir Fel + PTL
Whisper + Advanced Cloaking Device
I had no idea how this was going to go. I knew Vader and Fel would be tough to take down. Whisper could be a real problem if I didn’t take her down fast.
I sent Boba hard at Whisper right of the bat and lured Fel and Vader into the asteroids with Dark Curse and my Soontir.
Luckily Boba had a shot at Whisper and managed to get a damage in without return fire.
The next round Dark Curse was toast and Fel was skirting around the asteroids.
The next round Fel had an uncloaked Whisper at range one. I put that phantom down hard while avoiding damge from Fel and Vader.
It was a tough fight agianst Vader and Fel, and Boba Ended up going down hard. The worst thing about it was I forgot to drop my bomb on a turn that would have hit both of them.
Eventually my Fel took down Vader and got his Fel down to one hull before the match went to time.
One hull.
That bomb I forgot to drop.
Boooo Joe boooo.
I got a modified win for that match since my Fel was worth 4 more points. It was really helpful that I chose to let him have initiative so I could move my Fel after he moved his.
Round 3
His list:
Dash Rendar + Kyle Katarn + Heavy Laser Cannon + Outrider + Push the Limit
Gold Squadron Pilot + Ion Cannon Turret x2
This was my first time going up against Dash Rendar. I wasn’t quite sure how to approach it.
Boba went at him first and managed to get some damage in while avoiding a few hits thanks to Lone Wolf.
Fel got some damage in on Dash in the “Doughnut Hole” of range one.
Things started to go downhill from there though. Dark Curse got ioned by the Y-Wings.
Boba was too close to his friends so he couldn’t reroll, and his green dice kept coming up blanks, a recurring theme of this match. Boba, with one hull left got put down to a Y-Wing’s ion turret.
Dark Curse tried dancing with Dash over in the corner and managed to block him once or twice, but eventually Dash was just able to barrel roll far enough away to blow him to bits with his Heavy Laser Cannon.
I was doing my best to keep Fel as far as possible from Dash until he could take out the Y-Wings.
At this point Fel had lost his shield and the two Y-Wings and Dash were also without any shields.
Sending Fel as far as I could from the Y-Wings, I didn’t quite manage to get far enough.
The first Y-Wing had a primary weapon shot at range three.
Through an asteroid.
I bet you can guess what happens next.
Five green blanks.
Two damage on Fel. The other Y-Wing cleaned up the last damage with his Ion Turret. It was a pretty quick match.
Something I’ve noticed is that Fel will usually only die if he’s being shot at at range 3 through an asteroid. It’s just how it is. And that’s great.
I love green dice. I’m not even being sarcastic. Green dice and shenanigans like rolling all blanks, or all evades is one of my favorite things in this game because is so funny and out of anyone’s control.
I need a little bit of chaos in my games.
Sometimes the dice just come up blank.
Tournament Results
So I ended up getting eighth place, which was fine with me since I got a free pre order of the M3A Interceptor.
I think the guys who got 1st – 4th decided to just split the top prizes, which the store allowed.
1st place went to my round three opponent.
2nd place went to a list with Fel + Push the Limit + Targeting Computer and two Bounty Hunters.
3rd place went to a Phantom and a Decimator list (I think).
4th place went to my round two opponent.
Rebel ships ended up getting the additional discount.
It was a fun tournament. I really enjoyed flying the Firespray again, especially with Boba and Lone Wolf. I even managed to put Boba’s underwhelming pilot ability to use a few times to good effect!
Now I just need to practice up for the three upcoming Store Championships in Fargo.
Also I really need to find a job so I can afford the new ships that are coming out soon…