The Jodo Cast

Your Home for Star Wars Gaming
The Jodo Cast

Jodo Cast Episode 35: Celebration Preparation

The crew returns to discuss Joe’s upcoming trip to London for Star Wars Celebration 2016! They do wind up talking about more gaming on this episode, but with this convention there’s so much more to talk about!
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 35: Celebration Preparation”

Jodo Cast Flashback! Ossus Academy 10

Welcome back to another special presentation of the Jodo Cast!

After getting through the ancient news bits, we proudly present our 2012 look at the starships of the Old Republic! Also, with this episode, we only have two sessions remaining from the original run of the Ossus Academy! Let us know if you want more shows like these!
Check it out“Jodo Cast Flashback! Ossus Academy 10”

Jodo Cast Episode 34: Star Wars at E3, A Look Back

Well, we missed a release week, but that has allowed us to talk ALL about E3 and all the Star Wars news that came out of it! What little there actually was, but it was enough for an extra long episode!
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 34: Star Wars at E3, A Look Back”