The Jodo Cast

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The Jodo Cast

Jodo Cast Episode 85: Journey to GenCon – InFlight Predictions

Evan and Joe kick off a month of looking ahead to GenCon, coming up the first week of August! Specifically, they give their predictions for what Star Wars news will come out of Fantasy Flight’s InFlight Report, their yearly news and product announcement panel at the show.
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 85: Journey to GenCon – InFlight Predictions”

Jodo Cast Episode 84: Computer RPGs, Where Are You?

Evan and Leo take a look at the short history of video game RPG’s, mostly from BioWare, that have been made for Star Wars, and then wonder about why we haven’t seen more, followed by speculation as to what we may see in the future!
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 84: Computer RPGs, Where Are You?”

Jodo Cast Episode 83: E3 2018 – EA Play Reveals

A week later and the gang finally sits down to discuss what did (and didn’t) show up for Star Wars video games at Electronic Arts’ EA Play conference held during E3 this year, including Battlefront II news and scant info on Respawn’s Jedi Fallen Order.
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 83: E3 2018 – EA Play Reveals”

Jodo Cast Episode 82: The Rise and Fall of Star Wars Shooters

The gang is back with more video game talk! This is the month for video games! This time, they look at the history of Star Wars shooters, all the way from Dark Forces to EA Battlefront II!
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 82: The Rise and Fall of Star Wars Shooters”

Jodo Cast Episode 81: Look, Sir! Video Games!

Evan, Leo, and Joe return and for the first time in a long time, don’t spend too much time on the tabletop side of things, but take a look at the state of Star Wars video games, and what’s been hit or miss most recently in both mobile and console/PC gaming, including Battlefront II, SWTOR, and Galaxy of Heroes.
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 81: Look, Sir! Video Games!”

Jodo Cast Episode 79: Worlds Recovery and X-Wing 2e

The original episode 79 is lost to us, but the gang is back with an extra large post-FFG Star Wars World Championships episode in which many thoughts are given on the recent announcement of X-Wing Miniatures Second Edition!
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 79: Worlds Recovery and X-Wing 2e”