The Jodo Cast

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The Jodo Cast

Jodo Cast Episode 89: Tales From Imperial Assault – Twin Shadows

Evan and Joe return with another fun-filled session of Tales From Imperial Assault, wherein, deep, rich, and murder-filled backstories are created for heroes and villains from Fantasy Flight’s Imperial Assault miniatures game!
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 89: Tales From Imperial Assault – Twin Shadows”

Jodo Cast Episode 88: Is Milling Killing Destiny?

Getting back to work, Evan and Leo are joined by John to discuss what they’ve been playing, Star Wars Destiny’s current milling meta, and how the future of the game could be impacted by today’s major strategies.
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 88: Is Milling Killing Destiny?”

Jodo Cast Special: GenCon 2018, Days 2, 3, And 4

GenCon has wrapped! Sure, we didn’t hit a podcast release each day, but this episode brings the last three days to the podcast as Leo and Evan rehash playing in the final Star Wars LCG tournament, returning to the Decipher CCG, and what other awesome non-Star Wars games they got to try out! Thanks again to Christian for joining us and taking so many fantastic photos!
Check it out“Jodo Cast Special: GenCon 2018, Days 2, 3, And 4”

Jodo Cast Special: GenCon 2018, Day 1

Day 1 of GenCon is in the books! Evan and Leo sit down again to recap the day’s events and look forward to their final official Star Wars LCG exploits the following day! Thanks once more to Christian for providing a ton of great pics from the FFG display case and demo tables!
Check it out“Jodo Cast Special: GenCon 2018, Day 1”

Jodo Cast Special: GenCon 2018, Day 0

GenCon “day zero,” also known as Trade Day, is a wrap! Evan and Leo do a quick rundown of this year’s Fantasy Flight Games In-Flight Report, including details on Legion reveals and some interesting new games, which they attended with Christian who captured some fantastic photos which we’ll be posting over the next several days.
Check it out“Jodo Cast Special: GenCon 2018, Day 0”

Jodo Cast Episode 87: Journey to GenCon – Visiting Indy

Evan is back with Leo and guest Christian to discuss what they’ve been playing, along with making themselves very hungry describing all the places at which gamers will get to eat while they’re visiting Indianapolis for GenCon!
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 87: Journey to GenCon – Visiting Indy”