Chapter 1
When we last saw our motley band of adventurers, they had just parted ways with Pash, Oskara, and 41-VEX, after escaping the clutches of the Mandalorian Bounty Hunter Taryn Gev.
Now in possession of the YT-1300 called the Krayt Fang, the crew needed work. They eventually became desperate enough to throw in with the likes of Bargos the Hutt.
Spoiler Warning Sort Of: This post is about the adventure that comes with the Game Master’s Kit, but I will leave the details of the adventure out and only recount exciting moments. If you’re worried about having the adventure spoiled, don’t worry, nothing major will get spoiled.
While working for Bargos over many months, the crew lost a shipment they were transporting for the Hutt. Bargos hadn’t forgotten about that. Bargos, not one to forgive or forget, contacted the crew and asked them to come to his palace.
Simon Silvertongue, the Twi-Lek politico was away doing business that he was not inclined to let his crew mates in on.
The remaining two members of the crew, a Bothan assassin named Orra Wyst, and a droid trader named CZ-12 went to Bargos’ mansion.
Also meeting with Bargos was a wookiee mercenary named Chumba Wumba who, due to his gambling addiction, was deep in debt to Bargos.
Bargos asked the three to take care of some business for him on the planet Gavos which they begrudgingly agreed to do.
If they succeeded in doing what he asked, their debts to him would be forgiven.
Session Highlights
Upon arriving on a landing platform, the adventurers were faced with a closed door. Chumba Wumba took a few steps back, and rushed the door putting all his wookie strengh into trying to knock it down. The door didn’t budge and Chumba Wumba fell on his butt and injured himself.
CZ-12 then tried the door button and it opened without a problem.
After gaining entrance to the facility, they found a droid who was dormant due to a restraining bolt. CZ, having the highest mechanics skill, tried to remove the bolt.
He failed.
He tried again and only succeeded in knocking the droid’s head off. He then managed to put the droid’s head back on, and then finally removed the restraining bolt successfully.
Later the crew “acquired” a “Pancake Droid” named “Chef” aboard their ship so they can order up some space-pancakes anytime they want.
In addition to coming out of the mission richer beings, CZ also managed to find some Tradoshan porn and a sexy Trandoshan poster to add to his collection. That’ll come in handy sometime right? (I thought about finding some relevant art to include here, but I thought better of it. You’re welcome.)
In the end, after spectacularly failing to sweet talk Bargos, the Hutt decided they were still indebted to him. Will they ever escape his debt?
Future Chapters of Joe GM’s Edge of the Empire will be more detailed. For the next few sessions I plan on running some custom adventures so I won’t worry so much about spoiling anything.
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