Ok so this obviously isn’t official.
I figured all of you adoring fans of The Jodo Cast would want to be able to fly Jodo Kast himself in all of our favorite miniatures game!
I found two different customs where someone converted the Lambda shuttle into Kast’s Foxcatch.
This custom looks like it was being sold on Ebay but isn’t available anymore.
Credit for this custom goes to luis7766 on photobucket. I guess. I like this one better. It looks slightly sloppier as far as the painting goes, but it’s also less drab, it’s a little more exciting to look at.
Ok. Onto the card design. Let me explain myself.
Pilot Skill 5: Jodo Kast was a wannabe. He didn’t get himself killed until Boba Fett heard about him though so he can’t be that big of a slouch. I figured 5 was about right. If you’re a great pilot you probably wouldn’t choose a Lambda.
Attack 4: According to Wookieepedia the ship’s armament was increased by adding two additional laser cannons on the wings.
That thing has a lot more firepower than a standard Lambda so I figured I’d add 1 to the firepower.
Boost Action: It also looks like the Foxcatch has some extra boosters. “Six Incom 4L4 fusial thrust engines were mounted on its wings and body.”
We all know how awesome an engine upgrade is on the shuttle so I figured this would be an awesome thing to have standard.
Bomb Slot: I love bombs. They’re one of my favorite upgrades. And I figure a bounty hunter could use some bombs.
Pilot Ability: This is just a straight up knock off of Boba Fett’s new ability. Jodo Kast’s whole schtick was being a knock off of Fett so his ability should reflect that.
This ship could also potentially have the new illicit upgrade slot, perhaps instead of the bomb upgrade.
The website I used to create this card doesn’t have the new Scum & Villainy stuff up yet so I made Kast simply Imperial.
Maybe I’ll have to revise this one day.