The YT-2400 you may recognize as Dash Rendar’s iconic Outrider. The Decimator is probably a little less familiar to most fans. The Decimator first appeared in Star Wars: Galaxies in the Jump to Lightspeed expansion. And that ship looks like a beast. And it’s huge too, larger even than the Falcon model!
But the most important part of this announcement is that Mara Jade is being released as a crew member card! Giving out stress to all enemies within Range 1. Awesome. Although I’d still like to see her as a full on pilot card, not just an upgrade. It’s worth noting as well that the Decimator has a 0 Agility. Zero. On one hand, that means no defense dice. On the other hand, Wedge can suck it. Plus I guess that Expose will totally be awesome on a Decimator. Wave 5 is scheduled to be released late in the third quarter of 2014.
Next up is FFG’s announcement of their new two-player card game, Empire vs. Rebellion. Now setting aside for the moment how fun the game may or may not be, what the heck is up with that super generic name? Is that really the best that FFG could come up with? Anyway, onto the game.
While it is hard to tell from the limited preview provided so far, the game sounds significantly less fun than than the Star Wars Living Card Game. Or maybe that’s just the part of me that only wants to play the old Decipher CCG speaking. At any rate the game is set to be released sometime during the third quarter of 2014 and then we can find out for sure.
The last bit of FFG news is that the Age of Rebellion roleplaying game is going to be released by the end of the month. If you haven’t tried out FFG’s new Star Wars roleplaying system yet, I strongly suggest you give it a try here once AoR is out.