Category: Reviews
Star Wars Rebellion Retro-Review
Our friend Stewart returns with another retro-review! This time he sets his sights on Star Wars: Rebellion! No, not the new FFG board game, but the classic PC game!
Retro Review: Clash of the Lightsabers
Star Wars Episode 1: Clash of the Lightsabers is a really light game for two players. And it’s cheap. Clash of the Lightsabers is a game that got pumped out by Hasbro in the 1999 rush to get as many Phantom Menace products on the shelves as possible and it …
Review: Star Wars Risk
In Star Wars Risk you play cards, roll red six-sided dice, and move little plastic bits around a board, and that’s about where this game’s similarities with Risk end.
Review: Topps Galacitc Connexions
Topps Galactic Connexions came out on Force Friday like a lot of other games, most notably Loopin’ Chewie, which we hope to review soon. Long story short; Loopin’ Chewie is amazing. But what about Galactic Connexions?
Friends of the Cast: Republic Commando Retro-review
Stewart brings us another Friends of the Cast article, this time featuring a retro-review of the fan-favorite video game from 2005, developed and published by LucasArts, Republic Commando!