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Category: <span>The Jodo cast</span>

Jodo Cast Episode 94: The Great IA/Legion Debate

Ring in the new year with Evan, Leo, and Joe as they further discuss what makes Imperial Assault and Legion their preferred brand of Fantasy Flight Star Wars ground warfare miniatures!

Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 94: The Great IA/Legion Debate”

Jodo Commentaries: Rogue One

Welcome to a Jodo Cast special edition!

Well, it’s been two years since the film came out, and, coincidentally, two years since our last commentary track, but the gang is back to finally deliver the long-requested commentary episode for Rogue One!
Check it out“Jodo Commentaries: Rogue One”

Jodo Cast Episode 93: X-Wing vs Legion vs Imperial Assault

The gang is back for their first show post-Extra Life and this time it’s Evan that has a bone to pick… with X-Wing miniatures. Also, thank you to everyone that contributed to the fundraising for the 24-hour charity stream!
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 93: X-Wing vs Legion vs Imperial Assault”

Jodo Cast Episode 92: SW Resistance and X-Wing Speculation

Evan and Leo have watched some of the new animated series Star Wars: Resistance. Now they have thoughts on what this series could contribute to the future of X-Wing Miniatures. Also, more Extra Life details!
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 92: SW Resistance and X-Wing Speculation”

Jodo Cast Episode 91: Show Update and Extra Life Details

Evan, Leo, and Joe are back to talk about some of the things they’ve been up to, including the newest podcast series on the stream, new YouTube videos featuring X-Wing, Imperial Assault, and Legion, as well as news about our upcoming participation in Extra Life happening this November!
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 91: Show Update and Extra Life Details”

Jodo Cast Episode 90: X-Wing 2E Has Landed

The crew finally reunites to take a look at X-Wing Miniatures Second Edition, post-launch! Topics include: quality of the new ships versus the old ones, mechanical issues cropping up, and the state of our respective X-Wing communities.
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 90: X-Wing 2E Has Landed”

Jodo Cast Episode 89: Tales From Imperial Assault – Twin Shadows

Evan and Joe return with another fun-filled session of Tales From Imperial Assault, wherein, deep, rich, and murder-filled backstories are created for heroes and villains from Fantasy Flight’s Imperial Assault miniatures game!
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 89: Tales From Imperial Assault – Twin Shadows”

Jodo Cast Episode 88: Is Milling Killing Destiny?

Getting back to work, Evan and Leo are joined by John to discuss what they’ve been playing, Star Wars Destiny’s current milling meta, and how the future of the game could be impacted by today’s major strategies.
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 88: Is Milling Killing Destiny?”

Jodo Cast Special: GenCon 2018, Days 2, 3, And 4

GenCon has wrapped! Sure, we didn’t hit a podcast release each day, but this episode brings the last three days to the podcast as Leo and Evan rehash playing in the final Star Wars LCG tournament, returning to the Decipher CCG, and what other awesome non-Star Wars games they got to try out! Thanks again to Christian for joining us and taking so many fantastic photos!
Check it out“Jodo Cast Special: GenCon 2018, Days 2, 3, And 4”