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Category: <span>Miniatures Games</span>

Jodo Cast Episode 97: Legion Sabine And The Downed AT-ST

The gang is back with a plethora of news and discussion on Fantasy Flight’s most recent announcements, including two fancy new Legion operatives, a weird terrain piece, and some highly anticipated X-Wing ships!

Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 97: Legion Sabine And The Downed AT-ST”

Jodo Cast Episode 94: The Great IA/Legion Debate

Ring in the new year with Evan, Leo, and Joe as they further discuss what makes Imperial Assault and Legion their preferred brand of Fantasy Flight Star Wars ground warfare miniatures!

Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 94: The Great IA/Legion Debate”

Jodo Cast Episode 93: X-Wing vs Legion vs Imperial Assault

The gang is back for their first show post-Extra Life and this time it’s Evan that has a bone to pick… with X-Wing miniatures. Also, thank you to everyone that contributed to the fundraising for the 24-hour charity stream!
Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 93: X-Wing vs Legion vs Imperial Assault”