I decided to try my hand at Boba Fett and IG-88C.
I’ve been enjoying scum Boba a lot, and after pairing Boba with two TLT Y-Wings didn’t do as good as I’d’ve liked in the last tournament, I decided to try replacing the Y-Wings with IG-88 C.
My List:
Boba Fett
Engine Upgrade
Recon Specialist
Sensor Jammer
Veteran Instincts
Mangler Canon
This came out to 98 points, as I was hoping I’d sneak in an initiative bid against anybody running Poe or Carnor or maybe Dash.
Round 1
Round one I was up against a pretty common archetype these days: A shuttle with Palpatine on board, accompanied by a fully kitted out Vader and Soontir Fel:
Veteran Instincts
Engine Upgrade
Advanced Targeting Computer
Tie Adv X1
Push the Limit
Stealth Device
Royal Guard Tie
Omicron group pilot with palpatine
I decided to pick the shuttle as my first target, as once ol’ Sheev was gone, the other two would be easier to pick away at.
I was chipping away at the shuttle with mediocre attacks until we found ourselves in the position seen below.
Not good. Two shots from the aces and no action for Iggy. I used my giltterstim that round in hopes of absorbing much of the damage that was coming my way, but that’s not really what happened.
Iggy whiffed his defense dice; so much for glitterstim. And then Boba whiffed all of his attack dice, even with a reroll, meaning the shuttle got to escape. Boba could have easily killed it in that shot.
Iggy, expecting the shuttle to hit the breaks and go for a block jumped forward a bit too far, putting him once again dead in the sights of Vader and Fel. He didn’t last long.
It wasn’t long after that that Boba was hunted down and exterminated.
I got half points on the shuttle that round. Off to a good start.
Round 2
Um. I kinda sorta forgot to take pictures this round. My bad.
This round was against a really neat list. It was, if I recall correctly, Dace Boner with an ion canon turret, Kavil, with an ion canon turret, and Moralo Eval with an ion canon, Bossk crew, ion projector, and gunner. And possibly some other stuff that I don’t remember.
I was scared of being flown off the board by ions this game.
The dice were in my favor this time though. After the first round of shooting, Kavil had one hull left, only to be finished off the next round.
I got his HWK and his YV to split up, so I managed to finished off each of those ships without them being supported by the other.
He managed to get half points on IG-88C thanks to Boner’s ability to add extra damage.
Round 3
Soontir and Chiraneau. I don’t remember the specifics of the loadout, but Fel had a targeting computer instead of autothrusters, and the decimator had Isard, engine upgrade, and gunner and some other stuff I think.
Since predicting where Soontir was going to go wasn’t going to happen, I decided to send both of my guys straight at the decimator.
After doing a fair bit of damage to the decimator, it slipped away and our forces were split with Fel and IG-88 duking it out and Boba trying to get shots on the Decimator.
The picture below is where I saw my chance to take out Fel.
He was stressed, meaning he was likely going to do a 2-turn maneuver. All I had to do was go 3-straight, putting me right in front of him. Whichever direction he turned, he’d end up in one of my arcs. If he simply went straight, well then at least I wasn’t getting shot at since he’d bump.
It turned out better than I could have hoped. He did a 1-turn to the right, putting him just inside my rear arc at range one. And he had no tokens!
I ended up with three hits, and in classic Soontir fashion he rolled all blanks. Toast.
After Fel was gone, it didn’t take long to take down the decimator, which was already severely crippled.
I think I lost half points on just Boba this round. Maybe I should write stuff down next time.
Round 4
Last round. Vader and Chiraneau. Both ships had veteran instincts and engine upgrades. Palpatine was on board the decimator as well.
As in the last round, I decided to target the decimator first and ignor/avoid Vader if at all possible.
After getting some good initial damage on the decimator, our forces were split up, just like last round, with Iggy dogfighting the ace, and Boba going after the decimator.
IG-88C and Vader were having a really hard time doing anything to each other.
IG-88C finally broke free of his death-dance with the dark lord and hurried back to help Boba, who was hurting bad at this point, finish off the decimator.
With the decimator down, it was two on one
Boba, rolling the worst green dice of the day, died in a puff of smoke to Vader. Seriously Boba. Had he not died, he would have been able to shoot back at Vader and this game might have gone very differently.
After Boba’s departure, it was once again down to these two ships in a one on one. Each managed to do about one damage to the other over about 25 minutes of play.
The round went to time and I lost by 10 points; the closest match I’ve had in a long time.
The top four were:
1: Ryan:
K-Wing: · Miranda Doni (29)
Twin Laser Turret (6)
Tactician (2)
T-70 X-Wing: · Poe Dameron (31)
Veteran Instincts (1)
· R2-D2 (4)
Autothrusters (2)
Y-Wing: Gold Squadron Pilot (18)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
· R3-A2 (2)
BTL-A4 Y-Wing (0)
— TOTAL ——- 100/100p. —
2: Michael:
B-Wing: · Ten Numb (31)
Calculation (1)
Ion Cannon (3)
Fire Control System (2)
Y-Wing: Gold Squadron Pilot (18)
Twin Laser Turret (6)
· R3-A2 (2)
Y-Wing: Gold Squadron Pilot (18)
Twin Laser Turret (6)
Z-95 Headhunter: Bandit Squadron Pilot (12)
— TOTAL ——- 99/100p. —
3: Devin: (My round 1 matchup)
TIE Advanced: · Darth Vader (29)
Veteran Instincts (1)
Engine Upgrade (4)
TIE/x1 (0)
Advanced Targeting Computer (1)
TIE Interceptor: · Soontir Fel (27)
Push The Limit (3)
Stealth Device (3)
Royal Guard TIE (0)
Autothrusters (2)
Lambda-Class Shuttle: Omicron Group Pilot (21)
· Emperor Palpatine (8)
— TOTAL ——- 99/100p. —
4: Jake
TIE Advanced: · Darth Vader (29)
Veteran Instincts (1)
Proton Rockets (3)
Engine Upgrade (4)
TIE/x1 (0)
Advanced Targeting Computer (1)
TIE Fighter: Black Squadron Pilot (14)
Crack Shot (1)
TIE Fighter: Black Squadron Pilot (14)
Crack Shot (1)
TIE Fighter: Black Squadron Pilot (14)
Crack Shot (1)
TIE Fighter: Black Squadron Pilot (14)
Crack Shot (1)
— TOTAL ——- 98/100p. —
I ended up placing eighth out of 18.
As much fun as I had flying Boba and IG-88C, I think I’ll be giving scum a rest for a while and moving back to the empire.
We’ll see where I’m at when regionals come around.