If you’re clamoring to get more adventures in with the characters from Rebels but don’t have the money to make your own spin-off show, you might want to consider checking out these awesome games that feature characters from Rebels!
First off, there’s a Rebels mobile game. Ok moving on.
There’s also a chance that the Rebels may be showing up in EA’s mobile game Galaxy of Heroes soon, as Lothal is a battle stage in the game. But as of yet, nothing more than Lothal is in the game from Rebels.
Disney Infinity 3.0 launched last fall and with it came Star Wars to the game for the first time. Among the fantastic looking figures of the Prequel, Original Trilogy, and Sequel characters, are some characters from Rebels for you to bring into your Disney toybox.
The thing is, not all of the Rebel heroes from the show are available. Only Kanan, Sabine, Zeb, and Ezra were deemed worthy to be brought into Disney Infinity.
The models look stunning, and as I understand it, the voice actors from the show were on board to lend their voices to this game as well, but the absence of Hera or Chopper is a huge bummer.
It’s also worth noting that the Rebels don’t have their own play set in Infinity, meaning you can play with them in other stories such as The Clone Wars, the Original Trilogy story, or The Force Awakens, but they don’t actually get a story setting of their own.
If the lack of Hera and Chopper leave a bitter taste in your mouth, it’s time to put down your controller and go over to the tabletop; the best gaming platform.
The eighth wave of expansions for X-Wing Minatures (set to hit stores around March 17th) brings The Ghost and her crew to the game, as well as the Phantom and the Inquisitor’s TIE Fighter (technically called the TIE Adv. Prototype).
In addition to this upcoming wave of ships, the “Imperial Assault Carrier” or Gozanti Cruiser has been on store shelves for a couple months now.
The models for these ships are gorgeous. The detail Fantasy Flight Games puts into their pre-painted X-Wing Minis is incredible. The Ghost itself is the largest non-huge scale ship in the game.
So we have some ships from Rebels. Let’s take a look at the characters who bring them to life.
Your options of pilots for the Ghost are Hera, Kanan, Chopper, and a generic “Lothal Rebel”.
At the joystick of the phantom you have your pick of Hera, Sabine, Ezra, or Zeb.
And of course there’s room on board these ships for more than just a pilot, this expansion gives you the option to have any of the Rebels as a crew member on your ship of choice.
Each of these characters are designed incredibly thematically, with their unique abilities really reflecting their personalities and abilities from the show. So now that we’ve seen the heroes from Rebels, how about the bad guys?
The Imperial Assault Carrier has shown up numerous times on the TV show, and in X-Wing Miniatures. It is a sight to behold.
Only playable in the Epic or Cinematic game modes, the ship is at the “Huge” scale (the Ghost is “Large” and TIE Fighter is “Small”).
Not only do you get this gorgeous hunk of Imperial engineering, but the carrier also comes with two TIE Fighters that can be docked underneath the ship, just like in the show!
This pack also introduced us to the first Rebels character to make it into X-Wing; Agent Kallus.
What if you need something more personal and in your face than a large carrier ship?
The Inquisitor and his ally Valen Rudor are here to help… or kill you as the case may be.
In addition to X-Wing, another game in FFG’s line of Star Wars products is getting some content from Rebels.
Though not in stores yet, the upcoming expansion packs for the Star Wars Card Game, Galactic Ambitions and Ancient Rivals, will be featuring content from Rebels.
The RPG Force and Destiny, while not specifically featuring the characters from the show, does feature elements from it to help you build your own adventures in the Star Wars universe.
This includes stats for the VCX-100 so you too can fly around in a ship like the Ghost and details about Lothal so you can go visit the grasslands and maybe adopt a Lothcat while you’re there.
In addition to these elements, the RPG books also feature (among other incredible artwork) artwork of characters from Rebels.
If you STILL can’t get enough rebels in your gaming life, there’s one last resort: Rebel Missions.
Actually maybe just skip this one.
What’s next for Star Wars Rebels in games? There’s still so many possibilities out there.
The other two major Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars products are still absent of Rebels content: Imperial Assault and Armada.
Though in a recent announcement for new expansions, the ISB Infiltrators are wearing armor very similar to Kallus’s, and Lando’s skirmish mission takes place on Lothal. Rebels in Imperial Assault seems inevitable.
Possibilities for Armada are obviously the Ghost, the Gozanti, and now the Interdictor Star Destroyer, Hammerhead Corvette, and the Light Carrier.
And I’ll leave you with some tantilizing speculation for possible ships that could find their way into X-Wing Miniatures.
Will any of these things make their way into games? Hard to say, but I will say the more Rebels content in games the better.
It would be cool if some characters or locations from the show made their way into Battlefront as well though that seems even less likely.
I really just want a game all about Chopper. That’s all I need and I’ll be set.
If you’re new to the world of tabletop games and want to know more about how to get the excitement of Star Wars onto your table, feel free to reach out to us on Twitter or Facebook with any questions and we’d be happy to oblige!